MTT's micro turbines are the top in output efficiency, cost efficiency and environmental performance and are the basis for applications ranging from domestic heating to range extension for electrical vehicles.

Micro CHP

Based on the MTT 4 kW micro turbine design, a 3 kW electrical / 15 kW thermal micro CHP system is developed to replace heating boilers for small business and households. Major focus is given to low cost price, reliability, noise reduction and low maintenance.

Micro turbine Lab

Award winning design
Code included (optional)
Monitoring & data logging
Clear overview of thermodynamic process

CAP Unit

The transport sector is facing the problem that the battery capacity of long distance trucks is insufficient to keep up with the fast growing electricity demand.

Range extender

Electric cars are considered to have great potential for an environmentally sustainable future. With their low or zero emissions, they have raised large interest from governments, energy companies and car manufacturers.