MTT's micro CHP system: the EnerTwin

Based on the MTT's 4 kW micro turbine design, a 3,2 kW electrical / 15,6 kW thermal micro CHP system was developed to replace heating boilers for small business and households. Major focus is given to low cost price, reliability, noise reduction and low maintenance.

For the end users the overall efficiency (accounting for the higher value of electric power) is substantially higher than current condensing boilers. The payback time of the system is between 2 and 6 years, depending on the operating profile and outside temperatures. It can reduce the energy bill by 20 - 25%. CO2 savings of up to 6 tons per year are possible for each installed system.

For domestic use, as a rule of thumb, a 1 kWe micro CHP system leads to an annual energy bill saving of €300 - €350; for the 3 kWe MTT’s micro CHP this means ± € 1,000 cost reduction per year. This allows a pay-back time between 2 and 6 years (independent of subsidies).

Savings for SME use of the MTT micro CHP system are considerably higher, as the annual running hours are normally higher.

The MTT micro turbines have significant cost advantages over alternative CHP solutions with inherent complexity such as piston engines and fuel cells. This offers economically feasible micro CHP solutions that do not depend on government subsidies for successful market entry.

In cooperation with several European utilities and installation companies, extensive field trials took place from mid 2013 to end of 2017.

From mid 2018, commercial EnerTwin systems have been available on the European market.

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